“...and on this rock I will build my church,
and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.”
Matthew 16:18
After many years of reporting a decline in numbers of teen and young adults attending church, we can tell the world today that God answers prayer when we open our hearts and doors to a whole new generation of ideas, lifestyle and worship. All the members united their hearts to fervently seek God for our children to stay, grow and mature in the faith and not end up leaving church or hating God.
The Lord began a wonderful era for our church which for the first time experienced a spurt in the attendance of teens, and young adults. From a community which struggled over years to boast of graduates, arose a new generation of children impregnated with the life transforming power of God amazing Word, the BIBLE. Many of the teens have graduated or are in universities, pursuing their life goals, through God’s empowerment and provision of resources.
Teens are taught that they are special and unique, one of a kind and that God had a wonderful plan for their lives. They are shown how to set goals, both short and long term to achieve their God given plans and dreams. They are mentored to overcome bullying and abuse with love and respect. They are encouraged to wait for their life partners and guard each other’s hearts while they waited, placing permanent joy and contentment over fleeting happiness.
Teens are motivated to build lasting friendships with their mates in the youth group and many a group activity, indoors and outdoors ensured their bonding. They are welcomed by all ages within our church community and are granted areas of service like ushering, music ministry, sound & media projection and administration and finance assistance. They attended skills for life sessions in summer and half term breaks and learnt the ropes of adulthood. Adults in the congregation stepped in as mentors, role models, fathers, mothers and grandparents, whatever the gap may be. Today we are a FAMILY church in the true sense of the word.
A young adult class was started in 2008 and continue to cater for the specific needs of the 18 – 25 year old. This age group are taught how to apply the Word to their daily lives in the marketplace and coaching is provided to motivate them to perform academically, professionally and personally to the best of their potential. They are taught the ropes of personal accountability and financial management while preparing for their wonderful future.
Goals of our Youth Ministry
To embrace youth of all backgrounds with the all-pervasive love of Jesus Christ
To equip our youth with the knowledge of God which is the beginning of wisdom and ignite a passion in them to know Him more for themselves
To engage our youth in the pursuit of excellence in their daily tasks in all spheres of life and to better their best performance
To exemplify to our youth the art of service, through missions, to all people groups all over the world
To empower our youth to impact and influence their generation by being a beacon of light in this dark and perverse world